Services & Training

Eleanor Mercer BHSII(Reg)

Eleanor has ridden all her life and has come through the Pony Club system culminating in passing her A test in 1997. She is a regular competitor at BE events at all levels and loves bringing on young horses to acheive their full potential.

She enjoys teaching riders of all ages and abilities. Friendly and approachable, she aims to instil confidence in nervous pupils while inspiring the experienced competitor. Although she is often seen to specialize in safe cross country riding, she is happy to solve any problems you may have in all three diciplines.

Her philosophy is that if you want competitive success, training needs to be progressive and built on firm foundations, and that when teaching you always aim to find and correct the cause not the symptom.  Her ability to see things from the horses point of view and problem solve has resulted in many riders having a much happier  and understanding partnership with their horse.


As well as the clinics that she teaches at various venues throughout the year, Eleanor will teach private/shared lessons at South Stainley whenever time allows. Tuition for the rider/horse can be tailored to your personal needs whether it is working towards a specific competition or exam, or just a chance to iron out some problems and improve confidence. All lessons are given on your own horse or pony.